Order FRS-1
FRS-1 Onsite Sound Measurement
The PSM LLC Field Recording System (FRS-1) is a calibrated and easy method of measuring actual background noise and pickleball sound levels at any site and at any distance without the need to have a field engineer present.
The FRS-1 sets up easily in minutes and includes an H3 audio recorder, which uses four microphones to measure sound levels in all directions, including the reflected echoes of pickleball sound at any location. After recording the sound to be analyzed, the WAV
file containing the four captured recordings is uploaded to the cloud. A PSM LLC technician then analyzes these files and creates a sound level report of the sound levels.
You have the option to retain the recorder for future measurements, which will allow you to determine the effectiveness of any implemented sound mitigation methods.
To learn more about the field recording process click here.
For more information email FRS-1@pickleballsound.com